Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Drinking Island with a Fishing Problem....

Not too long ago I visited such an island a place that would leave a mark no soap or eraser could remove. A little drinking island with a fishing problem…. Located on the southwest coast of Florida lies said island. I caught my second saltwater fish after a fifteen year gap in the salt water arena in the near shore waters of this place. Fast forward another five years and one 12-weight tarpon rig later. The trip started at dawn near the inlet docks from there the Hell’s Bay skiff ran six miles south and skirted the lighthouse then to the west and the pilot light.
The first pod of tarpon I had ever seen in person reminded me of the Bison I had seen in Hayden Valley in Yellowstone. There may have been 200 or it may have been 20 swimming right towards me. The tarpon were making noises like a dolphin clearing its blowhole.
Remember I have never seen tarpon, never been on the bow of a flats skiff and had only practiced for a month with the new rig (also without the six-inch EP peanut butter and black). There I was going for greatness… a northern wood ferry going for the Silver King and a pinch of salt. To be continued…